Hello Digitaley Drive Learner!

If you are confused about what to learn or what career path to take, then grap a hot tea cause i am about to spill some tea.

  • Data Analytics

    Data Analytics involves the collecting, transforming and organization of data so as to make informed decisions and predictions. In simple terms, data analytics is sitting people round a table, and telling them fairy stories about something you discovered. Yes, that is Data Analytics!

    So the discovery is the trend and pattern you discovered inside a data,The round table is your stakeholders

    The means by which you tell them what you discovered is dashboard and visuals And How do you make your dashboards? you clean, transform and analyze the data.

    You are wondering what skills do I need? You need the following

    • Structured Query Language (SQL) which is a database tool used to access data stored in a database
    • Data Visualization tools such as Microsoft Excel, Tableau or Power BI to create charts and graphs that tell a story .
    • A programming tool like Python or R (though this is not compulsory, but you can learn it to stand out!)

    You are wondering if this is for you….. Well,

    • If you like to solve problems
    • If you like telling stories from a hidden discovery
    • If you like presentations

    Then this is the right path for you.

    • Front-End Development

      Ever wondered how the Jumia website works? Of course you have. Front-end developers are responsible for creating these websites and web applications. They build the front-part of the websites and applications that users see and make use of.

      The tools utilized in this space are,

      • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) a markup language for web page creations. It defines the structure of web pages. It is very important to understand how to use it and what it is in web development as it is the most basic building block of every website.
      • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is for defining styles for your web pages and applications. It is simply used for adding style e.g. Font, colors, spacing to web documents. So it is used to design HTML tags.
      • JavaScript is a programming language. You can write very detailed instructions and algorithms in it. This can't be done with HTML and CSS. It allows you to add complex features on the web designs.

      So, this is the best fit for you if,

      • You love the idea of websites and designing one.
      • You love to keep up with the latest web technologies.
      • Or maybe you love money! Haha!
    • Product Design (UX/UI Design)

      Ever wondered how the Jumia website works? Of course you have. Front-end developers are responsible for creating these websites and web applications. They build the front-part of the websites and applications that users see and make use of.

      UX Design

      • You see this career path, they like oversabi! Feeling proud up and down…… Well, UX design focuses on the experience a user gets when they use a website or an app. So it's more like you are constantly thinking of how to make a product (website or application) very user friendly.

      So, this is the best fit for you if,

      • Also another proud set of people…..carrying laptops up and down like there is no tomorrow. But then again….let's move on….. A User Interface Designer deals with the web applications graphical layout. In simple terms, it’s about how the content of the app or website is arranged and designed so that it's easy to use.

      These are parts of Product designing you can consider:

      • Interaction Design to understand how users can use the products effortlessly by using the interaction component of a system.
      • User Research to understand user’s behavior, attitudes, and needs in order to know how best to design and develop products (websites and applications).
      • Graphical User- Interface which enables a person to communicate with a computer through the use of symbols such as icons, buttons and menus.
      • Information Architecture for organizing information, structuring and labeling content for websites or applications. Through this means, users are guided through the website or applications..

      The tools you will need include Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, InVision amongst others.

        Product Design is for you if you can say yes to these questions.

        • Do you use an app/ website and think up ways you could make it much better?
        • Do you think of ways you could design an app and website and make it excellently easy for use?
        • Have you noticed a love for creating products?
        • Do you love designing and playing with colors?

        If your answer was mostly yes, you should give this tech path a try! And of course they have money.

        • Back-End Development

          A back-end developer focuses on the architecture of the website or web applications. In simple terms, they write code focused on functionality of the web applications.

          Let us make this simpler. If you fill in your email address while trying to log into instagram and it recognises your email, it is definitely a backend developer that built the architecture that made it possible.

          A back- end developer should have Technical expertise in various programming languages such as Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby.

          • Frameworks such as Laravel, Django, Meteor and Node Js.
          • Databases like MongoDB, MySQL and Oracle.
          • Servers such as Apache, NGINX, Lightpad and Microsoft IIS

          You could give Back-End Development a try if you can say yes to these questions,

          • Love solving problems or thinking outside of the box a lot?
          • Are you curious about how things work in the background?
          • Do you like creating websites or ?
          • Are you interested in creating websites?
        • Data Engineering

          This is the designing and building of systems to enable people collect and analyze raw data from multiple sources and formats.

          Before a data analyst gets data to analyze, there must have been an ETL process to ensure that the data is in a usable structure

          Imagine a giant pile of unsorted stuff - documents, photos, videos, all mixed together. That's kind of like raw data. Data engineers are the people who come in and organize all that stuff.

          They clean it up, put it in labeled folders (databases), and even build tools to search through it easily. This way, others, like data data analysts, can actually use the information to answer questions and make discoveries.

          So, data engineering is all about taking messy data and making it usable for people who can turn it into insights.

          • A data engineer needs proficiency in coding languages such as SQL, NoSQL, Python, Java, R and Scala. Be familiar with relational and non-relational databases.
          • A good understanding of ETL tools and representational state transfer-oriented APIS for creating and managing data integration jobs. Tools for these include Xplenty, Stitch and Talend.

          Data Engineers can be the best option for you if you can answer yes to the following questions:

          • Do you love computer science?
          • Do you love data?
          • Are you willing to learn coding?
          • Are you interested in Data Engineering?
        • Game Development

          Game development is a software development process that focuses on creating video games using coding, design and testing to bring interactive video games to life. This career path is for you if you love telling a story that combines art and use technology to make it a playable reality.

          They're career paths in Game Development which are:

          • Game Developers who develop games internally for a single platform.
          • Second Party Developer who develops games exclusively for a console.
          • A third party developer who created their own games or games for games publishers.
          • Indie Developers who develop mostly for self-funded indie games as individuals or small groups.

          To be a Game Developer you need to have experience in game development engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine and Programming Languages like C# (pronounced C-Sharp) and C++.

            Game Development is the best option for you if you can answer these questions:

            • Are you creative?
            • Do you love programming and coding?
            • Do you love to think outside the box?
            • Do you try to think about how a game works behind the scenes?
            • Do you have excellent problem- solving skills?
            • Do you want to create your own games?
          • Business Analysis

            Business Analysis is the practice of identifying an organization's needs and determining solutions to address them. By utilizing the process of Planning, executing, completing and executing to meet business needs leveraging the Agile and Scrum methodologies.

            Business analysts play an extremely vital role in helping organizations discern their future by discovering, designing, and scoping valuable adjustments and additions to business processes.

            A Business Analyst is one who is Knowledgeable of

            • Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
            • Elicitation and Collaboration
            • Requirements Life Cycle Management and Strategy Analysis
            • Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
            • Solution Evaluation
            • Technologies like Excel, PowerBI, SQL
            • Project Methodologies and Framework and Business Process

            Business Analysis is the best option for you if you

            • Love finding the root cause of problems
            • Analyzing business process and initiating immediate solutions
            • Can think logically
            • Wouldn't mind the idea of data
          • Analytics Engineering

            Analytics engineering is the bridge between data engineering and data analytics.

            After data engineers organize the data, Analytics engineers go a step further, focusing on making the data usable for analysis. Analytics Engineers take the organized data and make it ready for analysis, helping others unlock the valuable information within.

            Think of it this way: data engineers arrange a messy room, build the shelves and file cabinets, while analytics engineers take things a step further. They:

            • Refine the data: They clean and transform the data to ensure it's accurate and consistent. Imagine labeling everything in the files and making sure nothing is out of place.
            • Automate tasks: They set up systems to keep everything running smoothly, so data analysts can focus on finding insights. This is like setting up a system to automatically restock the folders when they get low.

            The tools you need to master for this are:

            • Data Warehousing and ETL: you might need to learn Snowflake and dbt as a Cloud-based data warehouse and automating transformation process for data going into the warehouse.
            • Database and Modeling: SQL to organize data structure and track changes.
            • Tools for Orchestrating complex data pipelines/Scripting: Python and Airflow
            • Data Visualization: Might need to learn a data visualization tool like Looker or Tableau
            • Cloud Computing and Infrastructure: Microsoft Azure:

            Analytics Engineering is the best option for you if you can answer these questions:

            • Do you love the idea of data transformation
            • Do you love to solve problems and create effective solutions?
            • If you are interested in making data to be in a more usable form
            • If you love big data.
          • Data Science

            Data Science is the big sis of data analytics, it deals with making predictions from data by building predictive models. A data scientist combines principles from mathematics, statistics, data analytics, deep learning and machine learning to analyze larger amounts of data. .

            A data scientist can even create questions from data than answer questions due to the machine learning element

            A Data Scientist is one who is Knowledgeable on programs such as,

            • Python, R, Jupyter Notebook.
            • A database tool is also a yes for a data scientist: SQL
            • An understanding of linear Algebra,Regression Analysis, Multivariable Calculus, Statistics, Identifying Algorithms.
            • Other essential you need to learn include Machine Learning Techniques, Excel

            Data Science is the best option for you if you can answer these questions:

            • Do you love working with and analyzing big data?
            • Do you enjoy solving difficult problems?
            • Do you love the concept of math and statistics?
            • Are you intrigued by the concept of machine learning and deep learning?

            Analytics Engineering is the best option for you if you can answer these questions:

            • Do you love the idea of data transformation
            • Do you love to solve problems and create effective solutions?
            • If you are interested in making data to be in a more usable form
            • If you love big data.